One of the most important aspects of healthcare is communication. Your patients need to come away from their interaction with you feeling that they have understood any diagnosis and treatment, and how and if it will impact the rest of their lives.
If a healthcare website is written in English, and English isn’t your first language, it creates a barrier to understanding. For example, in 2017 in the US there were 41 million people whose first language was Spanish and 3.5 million whose first language was Chinese. If any of these people are living in the catchment area for your practice, you could serve them much better by providing all of the information they need in their native language. Read on to find out why.
Improves the Patient Experience
Everyone, particularly those who are feeling anxious about a medical issue, want to be able to access the information that they need quickly and easily. If they are able to access things like appointment booking and frequently asked questions in their own language, this will do a great deal to calm them and ensure that they are able to access the care they need.
Providing things like directions to your building and any entry instructions in a patient’s native language will help them to find you much more easily, than if they are trying to translate from English.
Attract New Patients
According to the Harvard Business Review, 72% of customers spend most or all of their time on websites in their own language and over 70% of people are more likely to buy a product from a website that provides information in their own language. Over 50% of people said that the ability to obtain product information in their own language was more important than price!
Therefore, investing in a healthcare website translation could not only improve patient experience, it could mean that you end up attracting a lot of new patients – particularly if competing practices in your area do not offer a translated site.
Providing a translated site also means that your site will rank for searches made in a patient’s first language, which will get more people to your site and more patients. For more information on SEO strategy for medical, healthcare and dental businesses go to
Legal Requirement
Any healthcare business that receives federal funding, including Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP are required by the Civil Rights Act to provide language access for their patients, otherwise this could be considered a form of discrimination.
There are also various requirements at the state level, so it’s worth ensuring that you are in compliance with all of these.
Saves Your Team Valuable Time
If your website isn’t translated then it’s very likely that your patient will have questions that are unanswered. This will prompt a telephone call in to your business, which is time that your staff won’t need to put aside if your website is available in the native language. This is especially important if your patient actually doesn’t speak good English, because even calling in possibly won’t get them the help that they need if you don’t happen to have a staff member who can speak their language.