How to Ensure Technical Documents Are Translated Correctly

technical documents translation

To produce technical documentation that can be easily translated requires precise guidelines, and having high-quality writing means following very specific rules.

In terms of translating those technical documents, a translator must be familiar with the technical writing process and standards of the particular industry.

A technical report must be clear and concise for the reader to understand it, regardless of the language in which it is written, this is the starting point to ensure the technical documents are translated correctly.

Translating technical documentation can be difficult, especially when you’re working on tight deadlines and managing material across multiple product lines.

Here are the main steps to follow to ensure a technical document is accurately translated.

Understand Technical Jargon

When dealing with technical documents, it is crucial to ensure a smooth and clear translation of your industry’s specialized language.

This task holds utmost importance for any product or project.

The vocabulary used within this domain plays a pivotal role in the translation process. Hence, finding a translator well-versed in both the target language and your specific industry becomes essential.

Technical translations find relevance across various user roles due to the intricate nature of technical jargon and the precise scientific knowledge required to craft such documents for products and projects.

Moreover, it’s essential to acknowledge that the usage of technical terms may vary among different industries.

To address this, having a comprehensive knowledge base or glossary of technical terms is imperative.

In certain cases, organizations might maintain their own glossaries, which should be provided alongside the documents to ensure accurate translations of technical content.

Hire a Bilingual Translator

Quality translation requires exceptional linguistic skills to ensure accuracy, fluency, and reliability.

Hiring a bilingual translator to correctly produce the translation of any technical documentation requires sourcing a professional who speaks both the original language and the one that needs to be translated.

Someone with a general understanding of the language may not be qualified or experienced enough to effectively translate the technical document.

Technical writers tend to use long phrases and sophisticated jargon. As a result, it is up to the translator to clear up these sentences to generate unambiguous claims, leaving no margin of doubt and helping users to comprehend the technical writing.

This includes avoiding language that is only known to a native speaker and using complicated words that could be misinterpreted by users and consumers.

Automate the Process

Technical documents include an index, table of content, and references that can be easily automated with the right software.

By using specific software – if you know the correct format to be used – you can have certain sections of the document automatically translated.

Of course, this depends on how complicated the original technical documentation is and whether the software has the functionality for the new language that it needs to be translated into.

These technical documents may also contain specific references and concepts that some native speakers may not understand.

Before translating any technical document, it’s important to first go through the report to identify cultural familiarities that may not be appropriate for the overall quality of the report.

Precision in Technical Translations: Expertise Matters

Translating technical materials requires a thorough understanding of the subject matter, the different types of technical documentation, as well as a knowledge of technical report writing norms.

Hiring a professional team who will work with you and your team along the translation process is essential to the technical translation of your documents.

Encompassing the correct combination of planning as well as enlisting competent translators not only speeds up the process, but also saves time and money when translating technical documents.

To find out more about BeTranslated’s technical translation services, contact us for a free, no-obligation quote.