17 Sep, 2015 | Adventures in Globalization & Localization, Translators
Both air travel and translation are functions of globalization: the first in a physical sense, literally bringing people together and making distances between countries and continents shrink, the second through bridging linguistic divides, connecting individuals and businesses by translating and localizing their content and communications.
22 May, 2017 | Translators, Adventures in Globalization & Localization, Freelancing
No matter how far you travel, translators on the go need tools that work for their mobile needs. These five tools are great for all translators to use, but they’re especially useful for any translators who need mobile capabilities.
3 Jan, 2020 | Freelancer Tips, Freelancing, Productivity, Translators
Coworking spaces have gained popularity over the last few years and have been providing freelancers with communities and beautiful working spaces, but are they the right choice for freelance translators and their specific needs?
17 Jan, 2020 | Business Tips, Freelancing, Productivity, Tips and Tricks, Translation Agency, Translation Skills, Translators
No translation business can succeed without a team of skilled, hardworking translators. Improving the performance of your team will be critical for success and taking the company forward,
17 Jan, 2020 | Language Learning, Languages, Translation Skills, Translation Studies, Translators
As translators, our language skills are our main tool. Ideally, we become more proficient in all our languages, including our mother tongue, throughout our lifetime, but that is not necessarily the case. Just as our computers and CAT tools need updating, so do our linguistic skills.
25 Mar, 2015 | Careers, Translators
The digiterarti have definitely arrived in the capital. In some neighborhoods, you can’t throw a MacBook Pro without hitting someone launching a startup.